How often should you have a hearing test?

Many people of all age categories ask the question, ‘How often should I have a hearing test?’. This is maybe because the importance of keeping your ears healthy isn’t common knowledge, so most people don’t do anything with their hearing unless they have a problem…

However, getting your hearing checked is essential- no matter what condition it’s in!

In today’s article, we will dive into why your hearing health is important, and how crucial frequent hearing tests are to preventing your risk of hearing loss. 

Your hearing health matters!

So, why does your hearing health matter? Well, it’s incredibly important to keep check on your ear health, as without your hearing you will struggle to communicate with your friends, family, colleagues, and have difficulty understanding everyday sounds. The importance and value of hearing is so underappreciated in this day and age. Most of the time, people with good hearing leave their ears unchecked unless they encounter a problem, by which time it can often be too late.

You will never realise how important your hearing is unless you face an issue which greatly affects your hearing capabilities. A decrease in your hearing abilities can happen so gradually over time that you might not even notice. This can then lead to a point later down the line where you’re suffering from debilitating hearing loss which is irreversible. That’s why it’s so important to visit an audiologist regularly, as they can detect any potential issues with your hearing at the early stages before it progresses.

An audiologist can help dissect the issue straight away just by conducting a simple hearing test. Undergoing a hearing test might be daunting at first, but in reality, you’re simply sitting in a room with headphones on clicking a button whether you can hear something or not. What’s so different from that than listening to music in your bedroom – aside from clicking a button?

Ideally, you should be having a hearing test once a year if you’re aged over 60. If you’re below this age category we recommend you have a test every couple of years, unless your hearing has significantly declined.  on a frequent basis so your ears are constantly being looked at – making sure there are zero or potential issues lurking. If you don’t, this could lead to issues further down the line, and by then your hearing could have significantly worsened. So, put your hearing health first for a change. It doesn’t take too much of your time and we can safely assure you that you won’t regret it. 

Woman inside hearing test room

Signs that it’s time for a hearing test

So, you know why your hearing health is important, now you need to look out for signs indicating that you need a hearing test. Firstly, if you’re struggling to understand what someone is saying, particularly in a noisy environment or when in close proximity; this could be a sign of hearing loss. This is your first red flag. If this is the case, it’s crucial you reach out to an audiologist straightaway. Your second sign to watch out for is you’re frequently misunderstanding things. Misinterpreting what others are saying can cause a couple of issues, specifically confusion in a social setting. 

Another big indicator that suggests you need a hearing test is consistent pain and throbbing in your ear. If you’re experiencing pain in your ears then it’s important to have them checked out by an audiologist. They will be able to diagnose the issue you may be facing and will provide a plan of action to help you.  Furthermore, other red flags to look out for are ringing or buzzing noises, avoiding social interactions, and frequent exposure to loud noises. If you’re constantly hearing ringing noises this is a sign you might be suffering from tinnitus

Constant exposure to loud noises won’t help your hearing either. Whether you’re often at gigs or involve yourself in loud activities, you’re at higher risk of hearing loss. We understand you may find it difficult to remove yourself from these situations, as you may be partaking with friends and family. However, your hearing is crucial to how you enjoy life – it must be made a priority!

These are some of the biggest signs to watch out for. If you resonate with either one or a number of these, then it’s absolutely vital you reach out to an audiologist for a thorough hearing test. 

Benefits of regular hearing tests

Now you’re aware of the signs to look out for, you must know the benefits you will gain from a regular hearing test. Without stating the obvious, the first benefit you will gain from a hearing test is you’ll learn straight away if you have any auditory issues or not. The audiologist will digest your results and determine whether there is a problem with your hearing or not. If there is an issue, they will discuss your next options. 

If you are suffering from hearing loss, then don’t worry, you can be helped! The sooner you have a hearing test the quicker you’ll be able to be treated for it. Once the hearing loss has been identified then your quality of life and communication will improve drastically. You won’t need to hide in the corner if you can’t understand what’s being said; your friends and family will be able to assist you if you’re struggling. You won’t feel as isolated anymore and you’ll be able to participate more frequently. The improved communication and social interaction will allow you to enjoy your life on a daily basis. Whether that be taking part in activities with friends and family, or simple gatherings at work – you will feel much more satisfied with your life. 

Furthermore, arguably one of the biggest benefits of a regular hearing test is you will save money long-term and increase your safety. Early intervention and treatment of hearing loss can result in cost savings in the long run. Once the audiologist has given you your diagnosis, you can prevent further hearing damage, which will halt your hearing treatment costs. Finally, your safety will be increased because you’ll be aware of environmental sounds like sirens, horns, and alarms. Spotting these noises quickly can potentially save your life, which is why you should pay close attention to what you hear. It’s simple – if you’re unable to hear these types of sounds, you must have a hearing test and discuss how you can resolve this.

Professional audiologist speaking to a patient

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our latest article about how often should you have a hearing test. If you’ve found the blog insightful – be sure to get in touch with our team today.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to book yourself in for a hearing test, then you’re in the right place. Book in for a hearing test today and we will diagnose the problems you’re having.