Frequently asked questions about hearing aids: Common myths and concerns


If you’ve never used a hearing aid before, you might have some worries and misconceptions about how they work, and how you’d go about using them. It’s completely understandable to have some concerns when moving towards using a hearing aid for the first time – this is going to become an important part of your life, and it’s important that you’re completely comfortable with it and have enough information to make the right decisions.

As such, we’ve put together a list of some of the most commonly asked questions and concerns about hearing aids to help you put your mind at rest.

Are all hearing aids too big and uncomfortable?

Absolutely not! The largest hearing aids you’ll see are BTE (behind-the-ear) models, which consist of a rounded device that rests behind the ear. A tube is connected to this, which wraps around the ear to deliver the actual ear piece into your ear. 

These designs are the largest styled hearing aids around, and while some of the more dated models can be a bit too big and unsightly, they still sit comfortably behind the ear. However, modern technology has allowed BTE hearing aids to be designed in smaller sizes, allowing for increased discretion and comfort.

Completely in the canal Hearing Aid

BTE hearing aids aren’t the only option though. There are many smaller designs including ITC (in the canal) and ITE (in the ear) hearing aids, all of which have been created with comfort and small size in mind.

Do you only need hearing aids if you have severe hearing loss?

No, hearing aids are a valuable solution for many different levels and types of hearing loss. Whilst hearing aids can be of great assistance to those with severe hearing loss, they can also offer a low level of amplification to those with mild hearing loss. 

Most models of hearing aids have different versions to cater to the varied levels of hearing loss, meaning you’ll always be able to find the perfect solution for your own specific hearing condition.

Will hearing aids fully restore my hearing?

Unfortunately not – getting your hearing perfectly restored isn’t possible, but hearing aids are there to make your life easier despite your hearing loss. 

In some cases, it will seem like your hearing is near-perfect when wearing hearing aids, but it’s not the same for everyone. On the whole, hearing aids are designed to make it easier to hear, and while they can be very effective, they won’t fully match-up to pre-hearing loss levels.

Do you need to change your hearing aid batteries a lot?

Traditionally, hearing aids do need to have their batteries frequently replaced, but developments in technology have enabled longer battery lives. 

Some hearing aids will still need their batteries swapping every now and then – sometimes this may be weekly, but in better cases can be every three weeks or so. 

Cleaning Hearing Aids

However, more modern hearing aid models have made themselves much more convenient to use. Many manufacturers now produce rechargeable hearing aids – you can simply remove your hearing aid as you’re getting in bed at the end of the day, and place it in your charging case or dock overnight. The next morning, it will be fully charged and ready for another full day’s use.

Concerned about your hearing or considering purchasing hearing aids? Contact us now to book a consultation with our audiology team.